Purveyors Of Evil


The reasons for the outrageous numbers of Endangered Species are many, and so are those who cause them to go away, forever.

The list includes: Food Growers, Chemical Companies, Over Zealous Developers and Power Companies, which includes, oil, coal, gas and of course, nuclear, along with a myriad of others who can be lumped together under the title of just plain abusers of the Global Environment.

Several Companies are at the head, or top of the list, when it comes to destroying life on this planet, so let’s begin with Monsanto, who has caused so much harm to the planet since their humble beginnings, that it makes one nearly breathless.

Monsanto was not happy just to supply the entire world with chemicals and pesticides, they are now on a straight path to also controlling the world’s food supplies, through their seed companies and GMO’s or Genetically Modified Organisms.

This could go on for many pages, suffice it to say, they are at the top of many people’s list of the world’s worst planet offenders, ever.

In Florida, the biggest contributors to the demise of our Wild life and Wild places are several, the big Sugar growers and huge food farms in South Florida, are doing irreparable damage to the Everglades, with their widespread dumping of fertilizers, pesticides and assorted chemicals that kill everything that they touch.

Some places to learn more:

What It Means That Monsanto Holds The Patents On Life

US Sugar And The Everglades


7 thoughts on “Purveyors Of Evil

  1. Well written, Gator Woman! I share your views regarding Monsanto. No ethics, only money count.

    • Please Google them and find out exactly who they are and what they do to our beautiful planet.
      Then you will really be frightened!
      They have more power than any other single company in America right now and no one in our Government seems interested in reigning them in.
      Could it be because so many of them have Monsanto’s dirty money in their bank accounts?

  2. Monsanto, so many words come to mind. A lot of them not nice, so I won’t comment on that part. But the fact that people are becoming aware of who they are is the most important. You can’t fight something you don’t know anything about. Money talks and they may be in control now, but what I know is that businesses like this only last for a certain time then the evil they perpetrate comes back to haunt them. What goes around comes around. Life is just like that.

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