About Awards

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Walkingfox and Breanna, my reason for breathing~


August 7, 2013

This Blog and the positive, supportive responses that it has received, have far exceeded any expectations that I may have had in March when it all began.

With this in mind, life events, like the tides, do ebb and flow and we must adjust accordingly.

You have all become like a part of my Global Family and your thoughts and kind words have meant so much to me, especially during difficult times.

The person that I have shared my life with since 1999, has as many of you may already know, had some quite serious Health Issues for the past few months.

We have spent a great deal of time traveling back and forth to the Hospital for his surgery and follow-up appointments and because of this, I have recently had to quite reluctantly decline several Awards blessings from some of you.

The kind Awards that you presented me with, were such a great Honor for this tiny little Blog.

It is regretful, that many of these Awards require so much time to do,  if they are to be completed correctly and they can be a bit overwhelming to come home to, after the long hours away.

I do not wish to offend or hurt anyone’s feeling about this, but you must understand that what little time I do have to get on my computer now, simply must be devoted to what has always been the absolutely, singular purpose for doing this Blog, and that  is exposing the dangerous, life threatening situations facing so many animals every day all around the Globe.

When and if thing do change and there will ever again be any extra time for Awards in the future, is unclear right now.

As I have relayed to some of you recently, Awards have never been important to me, saving the lives of at-risk animals is.

Animals in harm’s way,  must be at the front of the line, when it comes to my time online, because they simply cannot wait!

Would you respect me or this Blog, if it were any other way?

Thank you once again for all of the love that you share, I feel your hearts every day and am grateful for all of you.

BTW, my name is Donna.



37 thoughts on “About Awards

    • I am so very, very sorry for not seeing this comment earlier.
      We were away when it was written, on what was supposed to be a joyful 2 week Holiday, but turned out to be a complete gut wrenching nightmare.
      Nearly everything that we took on our trip was stolen, including our laptops.
      The Post is called ” Letting Go, ” if you wish to read about it.
      I did not come back to this Blog for a month because I simply could not find any words.
      Now I will go and read about your Award, but, please do understand that I have not accepted any Awards for many months because they embarrass me and what all of you bring to this Blog with your kind compassionate hearts and dedication, are all of the reward that I could ever want or need.
      Thank you.

    • Dear Dr. Rex:
      Your Award is truly a great Honor.
      If I did accept them any longer, which I do not, it would one to be very proud of, because it comes from someone whom I greatly admire.
      The extended amount of time that these Awards take, if they are to be done properly, is something I don’t have right now, for personal family health reasons.
      Please accept my grateful thanks Dr. Rex for thinking of this Blog.
      You are an amazing woman and it is a blessing to know you.
      And yes, you are most certainly very classy!

      • TY … Gator Woman … the reason I nominated you is because I also admire the work that you do.
        I understand how much time it can consume … it’s enough for me knowing that you have seen it.

        So all is good!!! Hugs!!! 🙂

  1. I will respect your wishes and leave you with good wishes and no award, except the sparkle in my eye at wanting to share the love. I do hope your loved one’s health improves. Hugs, Brenda

  2. Hello Donna,
    It is my honor and privilege to nominate your blog for the Awesome Blog Content Award. If you already have the award, please excuse my mistake and accept the nomination as a sincere statement of my appreciation for your excellent work.
    I posted the requirements for the award on my website: http://garryrogers.com. They are in the second post on my home page.

    • You are so kind and so generous Garry and your nomination is a great Honor for my tiny Blog.
      Unfortunately for Health Issues we have, my time online and Word Press is quite limited.
      So I am no longer able to give Awards the time that they require.
      I am most grateful for your friendship.
      Thank you~

    • Dear Fraukje:
      Thank you for your kind words.
      I truly appreciate your very generous offer, but decided long ago that awards were an uncomfortable fit for me and for this Blog.
      It means so much more to me to have you here and commenting about what you think and what you feel.
      Thank you again~

  3. Oh my lordylord, you know Walking Fox? one of my favorite bloggers here on FB? that is so awesome. He is one of the people I hope to one time meet in person 😀

    Your blog and topics are very worthy for an award I created recently which is called “the Howler Award” http://mavadelo.wordpress.com/awards-and-other-tokens-of-appreciation/the-howler-award/. You are free in accepting of declining with this award, also da rules that are posted can be done in your own time, no need to accept and immidiatly find others to pass it on. I rather see it spreading slowly on blogs that are worth it then quickly on some random BS blogs 😉

      • I lived in Hawaii for 11 years (husband in military). Not living there anymore. Sigh. Wish that was possible. Have returned from time to time and am always sad when I leave. Last time I left, I had an uneasy feeling that I was never going to be able to go back again. I took some photos from the window of the jet and posted them in my blog ” Looking down on heaven.”

      • You spoke of it like you were a Native!
        Have been to Oahu twice. Loved it.
        Loved the food and the people!
        Florida is now a nice alternative~

  4. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blog Award; One Lovely Blog Award; & Versatile Blogger Award | Words That Flow Like Water

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