First Award

Sunshine Award



Thank you so very much to Susanne for nominating me for the first time with the Sunshine Award.

You will find her wonderful Blog here:

It is truly an Honor to be given anything at all, when my only purpose for creating this Blog was to make others aware of the extremely serious plight of,
” those with no voice.”


The response to this Blog has been overwhelming, especially as I have only been here for just a little over a month.

It is inspiring to know just how many of you out there really do care about what is happening to threatened animals or wildlife.

This has all brought Sunshine into my Word Press world.

For that and your support, I want to thank you dear Susanne.


To accept the award, the rules are:
-Link back to the person who nominated you
-Post the award image to your page
-Tell seven facts about yourself
– Nominate 5-10 other blogs and let them know they are nominated.


Here are 7 facts about me:

1.My grandmother had 18 children, which included three sets of twins, my mother was number 17!

2.I have Shawnee Ancestry and a Native web site:

3.I took Russian ballet lessons until I was 16 years old.

4.I majored in Anthropology, with minors in both Geology and Native Studies at CSUN.

5.I have traveled to many Native Reservations all over America, including the one closet to my heart, Pine Ridge in South Dakota.

6.My favorite place to be on Earth is standing in front of the Tetons just outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

7.My favorite City in America is New Orleans, I could eat my way through every place in the French Quarter.


Here are the Blogs that I would like to nominate for a Sunshine Blogger Award.

I have chosen these Blogs because they are inspiring and bring Sunshine and a smile to my face, every time I am there:


10 thoughts on “First Award

    • Hello:
      You are so very kind to do this.
      I have been given this Award twice and feel it would be quite greedy to do it again, so please do give it to someone even more deserving than I.
      Thank you again,
      I am very honored.

      • That’s a really lovely thing to do.
        The other lady I will award it to is having a ‘make do and mend year’ where she buys nothing new for her family but learns with them, how to upcycle things, sow, and the best places to buy second hand things etc. Basically because we are filling the planet with too much unnecessary waste.

  1. My grandmother had 18 children, she was an expert on making things do~
    She had button jars and saved and reused everything.
    I learned so much from her and miss her every single day.
    She was unlink anyone else I have ever known.

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