The Caretakers


For as long as there have been animals, there have also been those who have done much to care for and/or protect them, some have even given their lives in this effort.

The first person who comes to mind is Gandhi.

For those of you who are not familiar with him, Gandhi demonstrated his idea of the proper order that placed animals ahead of people quite famously, when he let a group of dignitaries sit and wait, while he ” tended to his goats.”

Robert Redford has fought for all things “Natural” most of his life and these things include animals and the land that they live on.

Dian Fossey  would tragically have her life taken, while trying to save  her beloved  Mountain Gorillas of Africa.

Pierce Brosnan may be best known worldwide for being James Bond, but to many in California,  he is simply one who cares deeply for animals and the Environmemt.

Jacques Cousteau  spent his life devoted to the creatures of the seas and left a great legacy for his children to follow.

Bob Barker made his support of animals quite  clear using his  high-profile game show as a platform.

Doris Day  has used her celebrity to come to the rescue of countless animals and also for being part owner of a hotel  in the upper scale Carmel, California that caters to dogs.

Jimmy Buffett  has worked most of his life trying to protect the Environment and the Manatees  of Florida.

And finally, this page has a list of Celebrities who care for animals and some of the names on it just may surprise you:  Famous Animal Activists



46 thoughts on “The Caretakers

  1. Ciao & Pace – thanks for visiting my new Christian blog website and commenting on my “ABANDONED – NEVER” video showing a dolphin birth, much appreciated!!!

    God bless you and all your loved ones and your ‘Caretakers’ blog,

    Yours faithfully in Christian Love,

    Evangelist Daniele (Penofareadywriter)

  2. Thank you for visiting my post. I am with you in your understanding and love of all things living on earth.Vera

  3. I’m sure you are know as the “gator woman”, would enjoy knowing your real name. But the reason for my reply, it’s always great to see those who we admire being caretakers of the planet and lovers of all wild animals. I get the most excited when I see kids realize just how important it is to protect them and our planet. It gives me hope that the next generation will tread much more softly on the environment. Thanks for giving your voice to those that can’t be heard.

    • Thank you for your kind thoughts.
      The education in caring for and loving animals must begin at the beginning.
      We plant the seeds for their future and the world that they will inherit, that will hopefully still be full of beautiful animals~

  4. I feel like the animal caretaker in my own small part of the world – my neighborhood. I am the only one whose yard looks a little “wild”. My neighbors all poison their lawns with chemicals and trim everything to within an inch of its life. The guy to my immediate right will come out, clapping his hands and chase away a bird if it lands on his grass. Ridiculous. I feed the birds and squirrels, and I have ducks, squirrels, a raccoon, a skunk and all kinds of birds come visit my yard. All are welcome. The only animals that I find distressing are the hawk who has come to grab a few slow sparrows, and the cats that neighbors let roam. I have two cats myself, but they are strictly indoor kitties. I like your blog!

    • Yes, understood.
      Our front yard is pretty much a wild place too, full of the “natural” things that Harriet, our resident Gopher Tortoise, wants and needs to eat, not a pretty, well manicured lawn poisoned with chemicals.
      Thank you for caring about all of them~

  5. Thank for being their voice; the animals need you. When I was on safari in Tanzania 2 years ago, I truly realized that I was their guest, not the other way around. Seeing them in their natural habitat was humbling and breathtaking.

    • Understood.
      Our time on this Planet should be spent in some kind of servitude of the beautiful wild things that surround us, not the other way around.
      Animals were not put here to be abused and/or murdered by us,
      we should each of us, be their caretakers because they have,
      “no voice but ours.”

  6. Wonderful work. Beautiful thoughts. Im glad you visited my site. One of my favorite things about most of Costa Rica is the effort to preserve its wildlife and natural beauty. We found it very eco balanced while there. Good luck with all of your efforts. I miss Florida! I walked the Seminole Trail every day and saw magnificent wildlife, right there in Lake Mary.

    • Hello and Welcome.
      Thank you for your kind thoughts.
      Since you have lived here and loved it, it must be hard to be away.
      Sometimes I get frustrated because there are too many here now, who do not care for the wild life or the wild places the way that they should.
      I have been coming here since the ’70’s, when my parents first moved down here and have seen so many changes and few of them are good for the native things here.
      Now that Florida is my permanent home, (since 2004) I want to try to help save what is still wild and wonderful here.

      • I absolutely miss it. So many people only think of Florida’s plastic Disney adventure opportunity, while their is so much rich indigenous history and influence there. We loved to go to the out of the way places and my current love affair with photographing wildlife really began there. Once I began in Costa Rica there was no stopping me. I truly feel the messages that animals have for me/us when they show up in our daily lives are significant. I applaud your efforts to help ensure their continued long life upon this world. Humanity’s greatest misperception is that we are entitled above all else in existence. As in all things, it requires compromise and culpability. We are the interlopers, after all. 😉

    • Since you are a Native of Louisiana, just wanted to let you know that New Orleans is my favorite city in America.
      I love the people, the culture and most of all the FOOD!!
      Love all of the sounds and smells of the French Quarter and Bourbon Street
      Could spend the rest of my life wandering around the bayous.
      How lucky you are to call it all home~

      • It is pretty unique although quite a bit changed after Katrina. Still, there arent a lot more welcoming or relaxed spots that I have lived. There is a lot of rich history here as well. Thanks!

  7. Another wild gardener here, we feed the soil so all other life forms can thrive, wide range of flowers, shrubs, fruit trees al depend on pollinators, and we welcome all kinds, and have food through the seasons, my mission is to nurture a little corner of natural diversity, and i applaud your actions, caring for the natural world, cherishing life in all forms!
    btw i posted a photo of a rare spotted panther here is the link to the photo:

  8. I love this post AND all the comments! I grew up watching Jacques Cousteau sitting by my dad.

    I cried at the end of “Ishi, the Last Yahi.”

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